Internet branding
Our approach
Internet-branding is the quite special process, tedious work, that requires knowledge, experience and, undoubtedly, investments of time and money. And that is why, under a term, "Internet-branding" needs to be understood process of creation, advancement and maintenance of brand by means of Internet-communications. The natural result of branding in the Internet is a conclusion to the market of Internet-brands. However an ordinary brand too can and must get a "electronic version", but methods and approaches of advancement of brand in the Internet have the specific.
The list of services, that characterizes our complex approach in realization of Internet-branding complex, is below presented:
- creation of Internet-brand is the pre-project consulting, naming, development of sign, registration of trade mark, development of slogan.
- >creation of attributes of Internet-brand is development of brandname style, development of brandbook.
- development a model of the positioning, strategy and complex program of advancement of brand in the Internet with her subsequent realization by means of methods of searching advancement(context advertisement, seo- advancements, seo- copywriting/of rewriting), registrations in popular catalogues, PR of technologies(creation of informative occasions with the subsequent placing of press-releases on the specialized web-sites, writing and distributions of reasons), advancements in blogs, on forums and in social networks, е- mail marketing etc.
- production - creation of web site (development of conception, functional basis, design, informative filling, SEO- optimization) ; development of presentation films, commercial films and videos-characters(scenario, survey, preparation for placing in the Internet) and electronic presentations (preparation of Т3, treatment of information, design and make-up, preparation for a publication in the Internet); development of banners( static, animation, флеш); development of флеш-игр; development of virtual turns; 3D turns, spherical panoramas etc.